Sunday, May 07, 2006

Don't Give up! Even if you think you're getting Nowhere

Yo this is Lerchy here and these bloggy watchamacallem's seem pretty cool and a great way to get out some things going through ur head.

I was just thinking about something the other-day that i thort was pretty cool, my sister was saying about a man who used to stand in a place like queen st. mall or something but in sydney and preach. He's just say stuff like, are you saved? If you died tonight where would you go? And then hand out tracts. He did this for a long time and he didn't really think he got much of a response. Anyway i missed a bit of the convo then but i think a few years later the man was very sick in hospital and practically on his deathbed and he found out that by doin what he had done he had saved numerous people. Some had never really known much about this 'JESUS' dude ann some had once been with the church and had drifted away but all this people were challenged and convicted by what he was saying.

I was thinking about this after reading sean@'s blog that we need to tell others about jesus and 'rock the boat'.(go read it)Well i thought that was so true but i also thought people need to remember that we need to keep telling others about jesus even if it seems like were getting no-where. We may just be planting that seed that will help them to later in their life make a commitment to jesus and to follow him.

I just thought that was a cool thing i got out of the story and i dont wanna just keep it to my self....

cya all..


Anonymous said...

Well i have no choice but to comment now! hehehe... nice one lerch. thats really weird coz we were just talking about it today in girls group and we were saying how Gods plans might seem useless at the time but in the end they always work out for the best.

its crazy how so many times we think we know better than god... sometimes i feel like punching myself i nthe head... and sometimes i do!

but anyway... that cheered me up a bit... thanks! peace out for now
-the one and only sara-

SuperTiph said...

Welcome to the blogging world my pet iguana, or should I say "Bonds man!!"?

It's so true, how we never know what seeds we're sowing in people's hearts. Every year I play a relatively big role in our children's program we run in the June holidays. I've never seen a child saved at one of these programs, but I just don't know what I'm starting, so I just trust and pray that I'm not making a fool out of God.

Ponyb said...

mmm...our God works in mysterious ways my little iguana. who knows how he is using us to affect and change our world? sometimes, only He!