Sorry tiph i bought and underOath cd call it emo if you want but its ok, funny first thiong me and sean did was go through the book and point at all the emo piktures very funny some dead guy and a ghost but good cd.
I have never known rocks to be so interesting, myself, billy, thanman and mike went looking for some semi - precious gemstones mike will put them through his tumbler and they look awesome when thats done.
But at one point today we went down to the piggery near this big lakey thing and it smelt foul, downwind from it and the pigs is desgusting i swear close to losing my lunch, it was horrid but we found some cool stones was quite interesting.
Funny though for a substantial amount of time their and back we talked about food mostly greek and middle east stuff but also pizza and all the really nice stuff other countries make, but not aussie food its considerably boring apart from pies... mmmmm... pies!!! *slobbers everywhere*
Anyway i have raved enough so for sean@, tiph, angie and sara and anyone else who decides to visit post the oddest thing you've ever eaten....
As soon as i can be bothered to eat it mine will be bread + mars bar + ham